Dispelling urban myths: Sean Fox on cities and development in Africa.

A great crowd arrived last night to see Dr Sean Fox from Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, discuss trends in urbanisation of Africa.
It was encouraging to see 120 people fill the lecture theatre, coming from 11 schools across the Bristol and surrounding region (including Weston, Wells and Bath).

Preparations for talk as crowd builds.
Preparations for talk as crowd builds.


The audience were treated to an enthralling presentation that covered a wide range of topics; economic development, politics, health and population dynamics, urban-rural migration, governance, corruption and more. Some myths about the shift to urbanisation across the globe were revealed, not least the role of improved provision of health services in urban expansion. If only the same could be said of other sustainability goals, such as improved sanitation and clean water availability. urban_africa_fox

Only a few spare seats in the Peel Lecture Theatre
Only a few spare seats in the Peel Lecture Theatre

Sean Fox quizzed by audience about the impact recent political events in Europe and US on the geopolitical landscape and governance of urban Africa.
Sean Fox quizzed by audience about the impact recent political events in Europe and US on the geopolitical landscape and governance of urban Africa.