The Bristol Branch of the Geographical Association were extremely pleased to host Dr. Gemma Coxon (University of Bristol), who presented a talk aimed at local sixth-formers on the challenges associated with modelling future water supply in the UK. Given the …

“Is water rationing around the corner?” Dr. Gemma Coxon discusses water supply in the UK at first Autumn Lecture ’23 Read more »

“What is fair energy transition?” GA evening lecture, 29th September 2022 Report by Miriam McGrath, Yr 12, St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School. As the need to transition to sustainable energy is brought to the forefront of the public consciousness, …

Miriam McGrath, Yr 12, St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School, reports on energy lecture Read more »

Report by Miri Stoneham-Bull, St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School (Year 12) Tourism and human rights – justice and ethical dilemmas. GA talk: University of Bristol 24th Sep 2019 Dr. Stroma Cole, Senior Lecturer in Tourism Geography, University of the …

Miri Stoneham-Bull reports on thought-provoking talk by Stroma Cole (UWE) on ethics of tourism Read more »