SMRT win Bristol Worldwise Quiz 2024
Congratulations to everyone who made this year’s Worldwise Quiz (Nov 13th 2024) such a success. Once again, we saw plenty of teams from the region come together to test their geographical knowledge at the University of Bristol. Schools from north (Wyedean), east (Backwell), south (Churchill) and west (King Edward’s, Bath), joined Bristol schools (Clifton College, SMRT, BGS, QEH, Bristol Cathedral and Fairfield).

Tony Hoare quizzed the teams with rounds on Volcanoes; Aerial photos; In the news; Local OS maps, past and present; Fieldwork; Nation Shapes; Sustainability; Mixed Bag. Technical support was provided by David Richards. Michelle Graffagnino and Harry West were the scorers.
The Bristol GA are grateful to Gill Miller and representatives of the some of the special interest groups at the National GA for providing a framework for the quiz. Some of the questions and themes were used, but questions were supplemented by David Richards and Simon Killen with more challenging material for Y10 and Y11 students because most GA branches offer the Worldwise Quiz to younger age groups.
Half-way through the competition, teams were tested on their skills at interpreting OS Maps, a touch of Bristol history and grid references. How, for example, did Bristol Rovers FC get their nickname? What former route does the Bristol-Bath bike path now take?

There was quite the buzz all night. During the questioning, we heard plenty of whispering as teams conferred (and even saw some use coded signalling to avoid being overheard). As answers were revealed there would be a mix of mutterings of disappointment or nods of approval.
The threesome from St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School took an early lead, and despite pressure from other teams throughout, they remained at the top to win. Backwell team 1 came 2nd, King Edwards’s Team 1 were 3rd. Everybody stayed to congratulate the top teams and thank fellow competitors, organisers, accompanying teachers and parents. Those in Year 10 were excited about the prospect of returning next year.

Seb Matthews (Y11, SMRT) was asked to give his reaction after competing for the winning team:
“Honestly, the thing I enjoyed most about the Geography quiz was the level of friendly competition provided, everyone was there for fun and they all wanted to do well, but there was also a big sense of pride and wanting to win that prize. I also really loved the variety of questions that were provided, from sections on physical, human and political geography (along with some map skills, which I love) meaning that you need a strong range of expertise to win and not just to be really good at one category of questions. “