Current programme (for schools)

Please register for the events by clicking links below when they appear.
We encourage students to register for lectures individually, so that we can send amendments to the booking directly to them by e-mail.

Upcoming events in 2024-5 (sign-up here for mailing list to get latest news and announcements). See Resources section. Some material is posted there after the lecture.

Autumn lectures for Y12-13 (draft programme)

Wednesday  25th Sep 2024: 7.00-8.30 pm
This event will also include a brief session on UCAS advice.

Tuesday 15th Oct 2024: 7.00-8.00 pm

Thursday 14th Nov 2024: 7.00-8.00 pm
Jason Snelling (University of the West of England)
‘Geographical perspectives on human trafficking and globalisation’

Tuesday 3rd Dec 2024: 7.00-8.00 pm
Prof. Jeremy Phillips (University of Bristol)
‘Hazards and risks – title to follow’

WorldWise Quiz for Y10-11

Thursday 7th November 2024: 6.00-8.00pm
Bristol WorldWise Quiz.
To be hosted at the University of Bristol. Wills Memorial Building (see Locations)

For many years, local schools have hosted this fun Geography quiz, run by the Bristol Branch, affiliated to the GA. Fairfield won the Autumn 2023 Bristol competition and followed-up with a win against Gloucester teams in a regional final in March 2024.

Exam preparation for Y12-13

TBA in April 2025, 6.00-8.00pm (provisional suggested time, watch this space).
with Michelle Graffagnino, School of Education, University of Bristol
Practical strategies for succeeding in geography exams
Location: Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS3 1DD