St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple win Bristol Worldwise Quiz 2014

Nationwide geography quiz for Year 8 - 10
Nationwide geography quiz for Year 8 – 10

Clifton College plays host to the Worldwise quiz 2014
Clifton College plays host to the Worldwise quiz 2014

Twelve teams from Clifton College, Backwell, Red Maids’, Bristol Grammar, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Redland High and St Mary Redcliffe and Temple Schools competed last night (Thursday Nov 20th) in this annual event that tests geographical knowledge for Years 8 -10.. Among the rounds were Alphabet, Geography in the News, Fieldwork Round, OS Mapping Round.

Eventual winners were St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple (Tim Woods, Alec Temple and Josh Price). They will be joined in the regional final by second-placed Clifton College against teams from Bath.

Congratulations to the 2014 Worldwise winners - St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple
Congratulations to the 2014 Worldwise winners – St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple

Thanks to organisers – Matt Jones and Gail Holliday; quizmaster – Tony Hoare; and geography staff from the schools for logistical support on the night.

Well done to all the teams involved.